If I had to spend more than a few minutes even figuring out how to launch it, it ended up in the "too buggy" pile. Mods that were easy to understand, set up, and use were given high marks. In cases where I was testing mods that dictated a character's leveling order and path, I tried to "break" it by doing things out of order to see how the mod would handle detours. Some characters already had quests in their logs and others were picking up new ones, and I tested how the mod worked under both conditions. I tested these mods on characters of varying levels and factions when this seemed necessary. If you have any suggestions of ones I should test or possibly re-test, please leave a comment with the name and link to the mod in question. *I tried to test them all but I am sure I missed a few. Sometimes the synergy between two mods can make a mod more powerful, but often it threw unnecessary levels of complication or more errors.

QuestLogEx\QuestLogEx-1.2.While "Best" is a subjective term, in this guide, I will dig through the best addons for leveling in Classic and indicate ones I consider essential.

QuestLogEx\QuestLogEx-1.2.lua:389: in function QuestLogEx\QuestLogEx-1.2.lua:498: in function QuestLogEx\QuestLogEx-1.2.lua:704: in function 3x QuestLogEx\QuestLogEx-1.2.lua:704: attempt to index local 'learnSpellText' (a nil value)