If anyone wants to port this to LE or make any modifications to me, all I ask is sharing it here too for everyone else too.Ĭredits : Major props to letting me uses his pieces from his armor replacer set. I used Truly Light Elven Armor textures in my screenshot, grab it (and endorse it) if you want the same pitch black gold eleganza. Textures not included. It is set to Vanilla textures, so it will use whatever texture pack you install. BodySlide files included in case anyone want to change it up. Also doesn't include 1st person mesh since I could never get that to work nicely.

Boots and Gloves not included so it will use the regular one you got when downloading SAM refits (which I hope you does). This one includes the regular Elven Armor and Elven Light Armor. I'll leave this one up in case anyone wanted this specific armor but not the others.