enemy types are more distinct in terms of armor and resistances, some enemies are very hard to deal with using light attacks only, because light attacks won't be able to penetrate their armor strong attacks deal 25% more damage and have +200 armor penetration bonus, as a result strong attacks always hit considerably harder To complement this change a set of other modifications was introduced: This works both sides, so higher difficulties enemy attack bonuses don't render armor value useless. New damage formula was implemented in the mod to fix the snowballing problem: you now need to penetrate enemy armor first for your attack power bonuses to start taking effect. And it also results in useless skills (like strong attacks), upgrades (like armor penetration) and item stats (like armor value). An issue with vanilla formula is that there's nothing that can counter damage increase from attack power: bigger sword damage multiplied by bigger attack power results in fast snowballing into massive damage dealt to any enemy in the game. How damage is calculated affects all the other combat related gameplay aspects: from weapons and armors to skills and bonuses. Starting from another overhaul mod is not recommended, especially if the mod changes skill tree and/or experience curve - this will result in broken skills and leveling. Starting from existing vanilla save is possible, but some of your equipment might get weird stats after installing the mod (newly found/crafted equipment will have proper stats). Starting a new game is highly recommended both to avoid problems and to get used to mod changes. The mod supports all DLCs, but doesn't require them to function properly. Large portion of the mod is dedicated to resolving these issues: fixing bugged skills and items, providing better descriptions, tweaking useless and overpowered skills and items to be more balanced, changing loot so dimeritium plate can no longer be found inside poor peasant's shack, etc.

Vanilla game has lots and lots of gameplay issues: skills not working as intended or not working at all, descriptions being wrong, decoctions not doing what they're supposed to do, quest levels and experience being weirdly distributed, etc.

The mod aims to create more challenging and balanced experience, while not deviating too far from vanilla system and principles, i.e. Ghost Mode is an overhaul mod which changes almost every aspect of gameplay: from combat and damage to loot and economy.